Please click on the links below to view the FAQ answers

What types of saws can you sharpen?
We sharpen all types of carbide-tipped circular saw blades and DADO sets; any size and bore. We do not sharpen toothed hand saws as they require a different type of machine.
Do you sell new saw blades and router bits?
Yes! We are a distributor for Popular Tools, Amana Tools, CMT, MK Morse, and Velepec. If we don't have something in stock we can order it and usually receive it within a week. We also manufacture our own brand of solid carbide router bits.
Hawaii & Alaska customers: Please allow extra time for shipping when ordering new tooling, as we ship direct via USPS Flat-Rate.
How does Dynamic Saw ship product?
We ship direct via USPS Flat-Rate. Hawaii & Alaska customers need to allow extra time for shipping when ordering new tooling.
How do we ship saw blades that need to be sharpened?
Please put your saw blades between layers of cardboard that are about an inch larger (on all sides) than the blade. Tape or staple the cardboard together securely so it pinches and locks the saw blades in position. Then take the blades sealed in cardboard and place them in a large enough cardboard box so they all fit when surrounded by crumbled newspaper or other packing material. Place a note in the box with your name, phone #, and complete return shipping address. Close box & seal. Ship tools to the plant address at
Dynamic Saw, 551 Smith Street, Buffalo NY 14210
Do you sharpen anything other than saw blades?
Yes! We sharpen both Carbide and Steel Router Bits, Drill Bits, Planer Knives, and both Carbide & Steel End Mills and Compression Bits.
I have a broken tooth or shoulder on my blade. Can you repair it?
Yes! We can replace individual carbide teeth and weld new shoulders in place.
Many or all of the teeth on one of my blades is broken or missing. What can you do?
We can either cut all the teeth down to expose a fresh cutting surface if possible, or in extreme cases we offer complete blade re-tipping to any specifications you require. Call us for more information if a re-tip may be necessary, as sometimes this can be more economical than purchasing a new blade.
How long will my sharpening take?
Standard turn-around for saw and router bit sharpening is about 1 week from time of delivery to our shop in Buffalo, New York. Planer knives may take up to 2 weeks as these are run in batches once a week.
Can you design and manufacture custom saw blades and cutting tools?
Yes! Give us a call and we will assist you in determining the proper specifications based on cutting material, workload, etc.
My blade makes a rattling noise or has a wobble when running. Can you fix this?
Probably. Usually this means the blade's plate is not perfectly flat and in most cases this can be remedied by hammering. There is also a possibility that the arbor could be damaged or dirty.
Do you have a mobile website so I can send your URL (dynamicsaw.com) to people with smart phones?
Our website is a Responsive Website which means it will display clearly on PCs, tablets, and smart cell phones. The formatting is different on a PC vs a smart cell phone, but all of the important information is displayed no matter of the device.